Mini Clinic

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Mini Clinic

Half of the team went into town for supplies while the other half remained at MIA to run a “mini-clinic” completing health assessments on all the children. Some of the staff also needed treatment. Gemma and Mikey are asthmatics and were commenced on Ventolin with the carer’s given education for administration. Baby Evan and Zippy were the sickest of all the children, but overall the children are a healthy and happy bunch. After the clinic, we took the elder boys (the older girls had their turn last time) on an excursion to Kivu water park near town. They’d been looking forward to this all week, and even the rainfall in the morning couldn’t dampen their enthusiasm! David and Helen (a German volunteer who’s been in Kenya for 5 weeks already with MIA) braved the cold water with the children while we supervised and took lots of photo’s, of course. Corinna and Michele went into Nakuru and attended a local Baptist church there. Meanwhile back at M.I.A. we soon realised that 3 out of 4 of us were unwell with various URTI like symptoms, gastro, aches and pains, leaving only Corinna to be “Daktari” for all of us, poor thing. After hot lemon, honey and garlic drinks Tagisia went to bed at 4pm and there she stayed for 12 hours!

By | 2014-07-31T08:40:13+10:00 October 21st, 2012|Latest News and Information|0 Comments

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