Day 23 Monday 27th February

Home - Day 23 Monday 27th February

Day 23 Monday 27th February

Said goodbye early this morning to two more members: Nichole and Kathy (our mother and daughter team) as they headed back to Australia via Singapore. Slow start to our morning as all are weary, winding down in this last week. Went into town with Lyle and Martha as they were meeting up with Rosemary to finalise details for the last two clinics. Also at 3pm Rose and Ida needed to be picked up for an appointment with Dr Dowyer and then there was a SCAN meeting that Lyle had been invited to attend with Mr Gilani and some Rotarians. While this happened, the rest of the team shopped for: items to make up the last of the gift packs for the 29 inmates who’d missed out yesterday,  a few more groceries and souvenirs for family back home. It looks promising for Alex to be discharged from Kinjabi hospital tomorrow once the bill is finalized: 68,000sh approx. Nemo had a set-back today in her recovery, as they’d trialed her with a diary based formula and she reacted instantly. To date her hospitalization has cost 130,000sh. As for little Ida, the  Dr is pleased with her healing progress but is changing her antibiotic to Augementin forte as he suspects her to have pneumonia. Back at the orphanage we prepared a special combined dinner in the mud hut as Nigel, Tiffany, Hopal, Cara and Helen leave tomorrow. All in all, a ‘day off’ well spent.

By | 2014-07-31T08:56:13+10:00 February 27th, 2012|Latest News and Information|0 Comments

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